Young woman smiles while reading her fortune cookie slip

Fortune cookie paper slip – the inner life of your fortune cookies

The name says it all. And that certainly is the case with fortune cookies. They carry the fortune in the name and really do make us happy as well. Firstly because of the crispy sweet pastry, and secondly because of the messages to be discovered on the paper slips inside the cookies.

True friends don’t try to pull you up when you’re down. They sit down with you with chocolate and a bottle of bubbly.

Up to 480 characters filled with words of wisdom, messages, funny sayings and personal news fit on the paper in the cookie. 240 characters can be printed on four lines on each side. In addition to space on the little paper slips for sayings and quotes, QR codes and company logos can usually also be baked into the cookie. Combinations of saying and QR code or saying and logo are also especially popular. Logos should however be checked beforehand for suitability. Standard printing is in black, but generally speaking the fortune cookie paper slip can be printed in any colour.

Size of the paper slip

The paper slip can be printed in various ways, but is always the same size. Essentially the price includes 25 different own sayings with print in black on one side. Along your own sayings, however, the Sweet & Lucky collection can also be utilised. It includes more than 700 sayings from various subject areas, such as weddings or sayings for the future, for example. Hundreds of tried and tested sayings ensure great entertainment for each theme. Further customisations, such as a higher amount of different own sayings, coloured or two-sided paper slip printing and font choice can also be booked as options.

Do! Don’t think, don’t talk, just do. Worst case – it’ll simply be an experience.

Alle, die es noch genauer wissen möchten, beraten wir gerne persönlich!

Fortune cookie paper slip: The right saying always in the cookie

Mindfulness meets the zeitgeist of the times. Life-affirming, motivating and entertaining sayings are everywhere: On postcards, social networks, posters, and in fortune cookies of course.

The right saying can always be baked in on the fortune cookie’s paper slip. The cookie’s words of wisdom can have several positive effects at once.

Pearls of wisdom to decelerate and contemplate

Life is faster all the time. Smartphone communication makes us available everywhere. Push messages and streaming inform us around the clock. When do we take to time to simply breathe and reflect?

There is more to life than constantly trying to increase its speed.

The sayings on the fortune cookie paper slips can help you to decelerate, when the pearls of wisdom encourage reflection and contemplation.

Smile – alone or with friends

The fortune cookie message mustn’t, however, always be so profound. It might be intended to entertain the reader and make them laugh.

Your plants aren’t dead, they’re just crispy growers.

Everyone has a person among their friends or acquaintances who doesn’t have green fingers, but whose plants grow crispy. And who hasn’t been caught out with the scales showing a few kilos more than their happy weight. Laughing together connects.

I sure would like to lose a couple of kilos. But I never lose. I’m a winner.

Advertising recall for companies

Skilfully staged, fortune cookies and the paper slips inside them can be an ideal tool for corporate branding in the company. With QR codes trade fair visitors can be guided to a landing page, a prize code can be printed on the fortune cookie paper slip, or the cookies simply just include entertaining messages that convey the company’s values.
