Vegan fortune cookies – for every occasion
Vegan foodstuffs are now in more demand than ever. So the question is asked more and more: Are our fortune cookies vegan? It’s not without good reason that we dispense in the production of our fortune cookies with animal products such as eggs and butter. The recipe for our vegan fortune cookies consists of the main ingredients of flour and sugar. So you don’t have to laboriously make vegan fortune cookies yourself – you can simply order them in big and small amounts directly from us. But why does the vegan lifestyle play such a big role?
Veganism is growing
Veganism is far more than the trend it is often described as. It is a lifestyle that does entirely without animal products and has been anchored in our society for quite some time now. According to a Stotos Group study, approximately 1.3 million people in Germany live as vegans or for the most part do without animal products. ProVeg estimates that another 8 million people in Germany are vegetarian. An increasingly greater section of the population therefore dispenses with fish, meat and other animal products. The Forsa study on eating behaviour in Germany clearly shows that significantly less meat is being consumed than five years ago.
Most vegans’ goal is to make the world a little better. If you eat vegan, you dispense with animal products,
for animal protection reasons
Many vegetarians and vegans do not want to be responsible for killing animals. They have compassion for animals or disagree with factory farming conditions. -
for health reasons
Antibiotics are generally added to the food in animal husbandry to prevent the animals from becoming ill in the narrow husbandry conditions. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria are a big problem today, and the cause of millions of deaths each year. A meat-free and low cholesterol diet also improves the blood values and therefore prevents cardiovascular diseases. -
to combat world hunger
Countless tons of plant-based animal feed, such as corn, grain or soya, are fed annually in animal breeding. If we consider the approximately 800 million people that suffer from malnutrition, the world’s resources should primarily be used to feed people. -
for the environment
Large sections of rainforests are cleared to create grazing and cultivation land. Enormous volumes of CO² are also generated with meat production. Manure reduces the soil fertility of arable land and also pollutes the groundwater.
Veganism as a growth industry
The number of purely vegan restaurants is increasing, as is the provision of vegan products on supermarket shelves. Society is experiencing a rethink: Our nutrition will only be sustainable if we make it plant-based. Resource scarcity and global warming are problems that affect everyone all over the world and sensitize us for the change towards a more vegan world.
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Benefits of vegan fortune cookies
Having considered the mentioned studies, some benefits of vegan fortune cookies are plain to see: Sweet & Lucky makes an obvious contribution to sustainability with its vegan cookies. Valuable resources are saved by dispensing with animal products (neither eggs nor butter are used in our delicious recipe). Regional and sustainable recyclable material use is also very important with other recipe components.
As customers are increasingly asking for environmentally friendly products, our clients also benefit from this. Besides being a very popular product, vegan fortune cookies can also be consumed with a clear conscience.
And with vegan fortune cookies we are also keeping up with the times. The spread and sale of vegan products are increasing. Vegan restaurants can order fortune cookies without hesitation and offer them to their customers as a little thank you after eating or to go with a coffee.
Vegan fortune cookies with customised messages
Not just the dough is vegan with our fortune cookies – the sayings and messages in the cookie also address the issue. Our vegan fortune cookies can of course be designed entirely customised from batches of 250 plus.
What was Bruce Lee’s vegan brother’s name?
Brocco Lee!
I have from an early age abjured the use of meat, and the time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men.”
Leonardo da Vinci